Journal papers
C. Gicquel, M. Minoux. Multi-product valid inequalities for the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 2015, vol. 54, pp 12-20.
C. Gicquel, M. Minoux, A. Lisser. An evaluation of semidefinite programming based approaches for discrete lot-sizing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 2014, vol. 137(2), pp 498–507.
International conferences with proceedings
C. Gicquel and J. Cheng. Solving a stochastic lot-sizing problem with a modified sample approximation approach. 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering. October 2014, Istanbul, Turquie.
C. Gicquel and M. Minoux. New multi-product valid inequalities for a discrete lot-sizing problem. 3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Entreprise Systems. March 2014, Angers, France. (8 pages). Best Application Paper Award.
C. Gicquel and M. Minoux. A tight MILP formulation based on multi-product valid inequalities for a lot-sizing problem. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management. Octobre 2013, Rabat, Maroc (8 pages).
C. Gicquel, A. Lisser and M. Minoux. Tight lower bounds by semidefinite relaxations for the discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent changeover costs. 9th International Conference of Modeling, Optimization and Simulation. Juin 2012, Bordeaux, France (9 pages).
J. Cheng, C. Gicquel and A. Lisser. A second-order cone programming approximation to joint chance-constrained linear programs. Internationl Symposium of Combinatorial Optimisation. Avril 2012, Athènes, Grêce. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, vol. 7422, 71-80.
Other international conferences
C. Gicquel, J. Cheng and A. Lisser. A joint chance-constraint programming approach for a stochastic lot-sizing problem. International Workshop on Lot Sizing. August 2014, Porto, Portugal.
J. Cheng, A. Lisser and C. Gicquel. A modified sample spproximation method for chance constrained problems. SIAM Conference on optimization. May 2014, San Diego, USA.
C. Gicquel and M. Minoux. Multi-product valid inequalities for the DLSP with sequence-dependent changeover costs. International Workshop on Lot Sizing. August 2013, Bruxelles, Belgium.
C. Gicquel, A. Lisser and M. Minoux. Semidefinite relaxation for the DLSP with sequence-dependent changeover costs. International Workshop on Lot Sizing. August 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
C. Gicquel, A. Lisser and M. Minoux. Semidefinite relaxation of a lot-sizing problem with sequence-dependent changeover costs. International Symposium of Combinatorial Optimisation. April 2012, Athen, Greece.